Brandy is the
original source of my kefir grains, and she's been experimenting with
wild fermentation for much longer than I have. So I was thrilled
when she offered to share a bit about her experiences...along with a
free starter culture for one lucky winner. Scroll to the bottom of
this post to enter the giveaway, but be sure to read Brandy's tips too. (And don't forget that you've still got a few hours left to enter our notecard giveaway!)
It's been more than five years since
my kefir grains arrived in the mail, packed in a small zippered bag
and looking all squished. I don't think I knew what was ahead then,
that it would be the one thing I'd keep up with through good times
and bad, through morning sickness and two new babies. My kefir
grains have traveled, too. After sharing them with dear local
friends, they've been packed up and shipped all over the country.
I'm still just as excited about kefir as I was when they arrived, so
I thought I'd compile some of my thoughts and favorite recipes.
I got the grains on a whim, thinking
it would be fun to try them out. I'd had some serious antibiotics a
few months before and I was not feeling all that great. I started by
making berry and peach smoothies and putting the kefir into biscuits.
I'm still doing that, and more. I haven't bought buttermilk in
years and I don't really buy much yogurt since Anna enlightened me on
differences. My stomach feels so much stronger, too.
Kefir makes a wonderful substitute
for buttermilk, even for those who enjoy buttermilk plain, and adds a
lovely leavening kick to quick breads. We put it in waffles,
pancakes, biscuits, smoothies, cobblers, coffee cakes, anywhere that
buttermilk would normally go. I've even used kefir cottage cheese in
place of ricotta in lasagna! My mother, who is gluten-free, enjoys
kefir as a way to add a yeasty taste to wheat-free baked goods. All
this is making me hungry, let's get to some recipes!
Kefir Biscuits
Cottage Cheese
Kefir Ice Cream
Cream Cheese
Sourdough Biscuits
simple kefir tutorial
If those recipes sound good, you can get started on kefir in your own kitchen. Enter the giveaway using the widget below for a chance to win a starter culture, or buy your own for just $10 (plus $5 shipping) in Brandy's etsy store. Enjoy!