note: This giveaway ended in December, 2008. Please go to our store
if you'd like to buy a chicken waterer, chicken nipples, or do it yourself chicken waterer kit.
The day has finally come for
us to announce and give away Mark's invention! Introducing ---
the Avian Aqua Miser!
Like most chicken owners, I used to moan and complain about the
vagaries of watering hens in tractors. Their waterers would tip
and spill on uneven terrain and one of our hens died of heat exhaustion
on a hot summer day as a result. When the waterers didn't spill,
it seemed like they got covered with poop within minutes of being
refreshed --- ugh.
So Mark put on his thinking cap, and four or five incarnations later
he's developed a product that I adore. In our six hen tractor,
half a gallon of water in our Avian Aqua Miser lasts for several days
in cool weather and the hens seem to get a kick out of pecking at the
nipple. Clean, clear water for our chickens!
And time to share the joy with a giveaway! Check out our usual giveaway
guidelines (but note that this giveaway will end on Saturday,
December 20 since I'm starting it so late in the week.) In
addition to an Avian Aqua Miser, we're going to throw in the e-books
and video we developed to go along with it which are explained in our store. If you have chickens
or think you want to get some, I highly recommend you enter this
giveaway --- I can't live without our Avian Aqua Misers now!