Worms! Some
slightly dehydrated annelids arrived Thursday. Most had crawled
out of the box and into the paper wrapping, which Dennis had luckily
taped very well before mailing. Thank you so much, Dennis, for
the new additions to our farm!
I re-wet the leaves in our worm box and put the little wrigglers
in. Most sat on the surface, stunned, but a day later they had
spread down among the wet leaves where I had to dig to find them.
They didn't seem to have touched
the tea bags which I buried as starter food, but worm castings were in
For those not in the know, the worm of choice for vermicomposting is
red wrigglers, a name referring to two species which are both a good
deal smaller than the worms you
probably dig up in your garden on a regular basis. I've never
tried vermiculture before, so I'll be sure to keep you updated about
their adventures, though will try to refrain from my urge to poke at
the worms several times a day to see what they're up to.