We had a very fruitful visit to Ohio, both
literally and figuratively. I had my eyes peeled for useful seeds
and was thrilled to stumble upon a patch of honey locust and
osage-orange growing together in a floodplain. It was easy to
gather up two big bags of osage-orange
fruits to turn into a hedge, but I had to do some serious foraging
to find un-gnawed honey locust pods. I take this as a very good
sign --- if the wild animals are so fond of honey locust seeds,
hopefully our
idea of feeding honey locusts to pigs will pan out.
The persimmon seeds were even easier to find. A medium-sized tree
near Mark's mom's house is always loaded when we go up for our winter
visit, and this time was no exception. I also pruned her grapes
and came away with a big handful of cuttings to turn into new
grapevines, assuming the scion wood lasts the winter in the root
And, of course, the human part of the visit was great too.