After putting a
massive number of onions onto the curing racks a
month ago, I mostly forgot about them. Well, I did bring in dozens of
the largest specimens for soup-making during that time period, packing
away perhaps as much as a quarter of the harvest into frozen winter
Soon, though, the curing
racks will need to be emptied out for the sake of butternut squash and
sweet potatoes. So I took an hour to cut off dried roots and leaves,
shucking outer skins and sorting the onion bulbs.
The weather was crazy
wet during harvest and early curing season, so I wasn't surprise to
have quite a bit of rot to deal with. On the other hand, I was surprised to realize I had
so many onions available that I could simply give the worst half bushel
All told, post-souping
and rehoming, we ended up with about 63 pounds of onions, or around a
bushel and a half. This is definitely the most we've ever managed to
sock away. Perhaps this will be the second year that we won't buy any
onions (our former Achilles heel) in the store?