You can probably guess which book I went for
first --- the one subtitled "An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping
Bees in Your Yard and Garden." I'd been vaguely considering
trying to take a beekeeping course before our bees arrived, and I'm
thrilled to be able to feed my antisocial side and instead read a book
chock full of photos.
The only downside of the book is that its subtitle is accurate --- it's
pretty simple and doesn't introduce more contentious topics I've read
about on the internet (like whether to use a queen excluder or
not). But after reading The Backyard Beekeeper, I still
felt like I had spent a week walking around with an expert.
I've yet to read the last two chapters, which offer
recipes for making lotions, soap, and food out of beeswax and
honey. I'll save those to explore once we start to roll in honey
and beeswax!
I'll leave you with one of the more rivetting scenes from the
book. A new queen has matured and flies away from her hive to
mate with drones from neighboring colonies. She rises 30 to 300
feet above a clearing and "emits an alluring come-hither
pheremone...inviting a whole slew of drones to follow. The fastest
drone catches her from behind...and...inserts his reproductive
apparatus. The act stuns and seems to paralyze the drone.
His body flips backward, leaving his mating organs inside the
queen. He falls and dies. These organs, called the mating sign, are removed by the
workers when the queen returns to her hive."
Hope that wasn't too intense for this family friendly blog!
(Though bee sex is probably less shocking that chicken butchering.)